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9 Ways You Are Damaging Your Washer

August 21, 2023

Are you unknowingly damaging your washer? The truth is that many Colorado Springs homeowners and renters are guilty of bad habits that can harm their washing machines. From overloading to neglecting regular maintenance, these actions can result in costly repairs or even the need for replacement. To keep your washer in top condition and avoid unnecessary expenses, you must be aware of these damaging habits and make the necessary changes.

This article will explore nine everyday habits that may damage your washer and provide valuable tips to help you maintain a reliable and long-lasting appliance.

Overloading Your Washing Machine

One of the most common mistakes people make is overloading their washing machine. While it may be tempting to fit as many clothes as possible into a single load, overloading can have serious consequences.

From the practical side, cramming too many items into the drum does not allow the water to circulate properly, so your clothes will not come out of the washing machine as clean as possible.

Moreover, overloading puts excessive strain on the motor and other components of the washer, increasing the risk of breakdowns.

Always check your washer’s capacity and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid these issues. Giving your clothes enough room to move freely will ensure a more effective wash and prevent damaging your washer.

Additional Reading: Are You Overloading Your Washing Machine

Adding Excessive Weight

Closely related to how overloading your washing can be damaging, you need to also check the weight of what you wash. Washing king-size comforters in a standard household washing machine can be tempting, but bulky and heavy items can significantly strain your washer’s motor and internal components.

Moreover, bulky items tend to cause washing machines to become unbalanced during the spin cycle, causing excessive shaking and potential damage.

To avoid these issues, check the care instructions on your comforter and consider using a commercial washer or seeking professional cleaning services for more oversized items. Following these precautions will prevent damaging your washer and extend its lifespan.

Using Too Much Detergent

Another culprit for damaging your washer is using excessive amounts of detergent. Over time, the buildup of detergent residue inside the machine can lead to blockages and damage its components, resulting in costly repairs.

To avoid this issue, always follow the recommended amount of detergent specified on the product label. While you may think less is more when it comes to cleaning, sticking with the recommended dose of detergent for your load will ensure your clothes are clean without causing any harm to your washer.

Neglecting Regular Cleaning

Your washer is likely one of the work-horse appliances in your house. While this essential appliance works hard to keep your clothes clean, you also need to put in some effort by giving it a little TLC to stay in optimal condition.

Neglecting regular cleaning can lead to a buildup of detergent residue, mold, and mildew, affecting the performance and lifespan of your appliance. Additionally, a dirty washer can cause unpleasant odors that transfer to your freshly washed clothes.

To keep your washer clean and odor-free:

  1. Clean the appliance at least once a month.
  2. Start by wiping down the drum, door seal, and detergent dispenser with a damp cloth.
  3. Run an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of white vinegar for a deeper clean. This will help remove any residue and eliminate odors, ensuring your washer operates efficiently.

We are all guilty of leaving items in our pockets before placing them in the laundry hamper. But failing to remove coins, keys, or other small objects from your pockets can have dire consequences for your washing machine. Especially during the spin cycle, items can get caught in the drum, vents, or drain pipes, damaging your washer. In some cases, they can even shatter the glass window of a front-loading washer.

To prevent these mishaps, check your pockets thoroughly before loading your clothes into the washer. Encourage your family members to do the same to avoid any surprises. You’ll protect your washer from unnecessary wear and tear by taking a few seconds to empty your pockets.

Washing Inappropriate Items

While your washer can handle various fabrics, not all are appropriate for the washing machine. For instance, lingerie with underwires or hooks, toys, purses, wigs, and items with flammable stains can all cause damage to your washer or pose safety hazards.

To avoid damaging your washer and ensure its longevity, familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding suitable items for washing. When in doubt, opt for handwashing or professional cleaning services for delicate or problematic items. Using your washer appropriately will avoid costly repairs and maintain its reliability.

Not Removing Pet Hair

If you have furry friends at home, you have likely already experienced finding their hair in unexpected places. Excessive amounts of pet hair stuck to clothes, towels, or bedding can lead to clogs and damage to the machine’s drain pumps and plumbing system.

To prevent these issues, shake off excess pet hair from your clothes and linens before washing them. Consider using a lint roller or brush to remove any remaining hair. Also, periodically clean the drain pump filter to ensure it’s free from trapped hair or debris. These simple steps will minimize the. number of clogs and keep your washer running smoothly.

Neglecting Leveling

An adequately leveled washer is essential for its smooth operation. If your appliance is not level, you may notice excessive vibration during the spin cycle, leading to potential damage to the appliance and your surrounding environment.

Additionally, an unbalanced washer may not drain properly, causing water to accumulate and potentially leak.

To ensure your washer is level, use a bubble-level tool to check its angle. Adjust the leveling legs as needed to achieve perfect balance on all sides. By maintaining a balanced washer, you’ll minimize the risk of damaging your washer.

Related: How to Make a Washing Machine Stop Shaking

Providing Inadequate Space

Placing your washer and dryer in a cramped space may seem convenient, but it can have negative consequences. Insufficient airflow around the appliances can cause them to overheat, potentially leading to malfunctions or even fires, especially with older units. Furthermore, using overloaded outlets or extension cords can strain the electrical system.

Leave enough space around your washer and dryer for air circulation to ensure proper ventilation and prevent electrical hazards. And never use extension cords or power strips for major appliances. By providing adequate space and electrical support, you’ll promote your washer’s safe and efficient operation.

Are You Guilty of Damaging Your Washer? Reliable Appliance Repair Can Help!

At Reliable Appliance Repair, we understand your appliances’ crucial role in your home. Whether you are guilty of damaging your washer through these bad habits or are the victim of circumstance and worn-out parts, we offer reliable and professional washing machine repair services in Colorado Springs. No matter your issue, our skilled technicians are here to help. Contact us today for superior customer service and prompt appliance repairs you can count on.